Support by hire
We try to employ people from all walks of life for our many jobs; such as growing and harvesting ingredients, farmers and suppliers, retail and franchise partners who make it all happen. We want to support families and build strong communities so that our footprint expands beyond us.
Enabling Women
We also focus on, and have a goal to enable the economic empowerment of women entrepreneurs. We want to continue our focus on addressing structural inequalities and economic barriers that women face by financial services, networking, skill training and mentoring.
Giving back to our community
We give back by financial support as well as volunteer support where we – together with our employees enlist and work with volunteer services like helping planting trees, hosting fundraiser dinners etc. We donate our products to up and coming restaurants, and donate to shelters.
Sustainable agriculture
We work hard on upgrading and buying the newest technology so we can protect and nurture our agriculture. Our systems today reduce chemicals by more than 30% which directly impacts the increased quality of our products.