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La Comète

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    Who we are


    As we have clients from all over the world and we know the importance of a true partnership. For ideas and information to flow openly and regularly we have created a steady foundation where there is
    mutual trust and respect for one another’s expertise. This has allowed us to have a productive relationship with our clients and vendors so there is value added for all parties.

    Every day, since 1994 we’ve been devoting our time, hearts and minds to our clients and vendors so we could achieve great success and build lasting relationships together. Our list of clients and
    vendors speaks for itself, as shown in the list below of the differen countries we share our products with:


    Kosova (KS)


    Albania (AL)

    NoPath - Copy (2)

    Macedonia (MK)

    NoPath - Copy (3)

    Montenegro (MN)

    NoPath - Copy (4)

    Switzerland (CH)

    NoPath - Copy (5)

    Germany (DE)

    NoPath - Copy (6)

    Germany (DE)

    NoPath - Copy (8)

    Italy (IT)

    NoPath - Copy (9)

    Netherlands (NL)

    NoPath - Copy (10)

    Belgium (BE)

    NoPath - Copy (11)

    France (FR)

    NoPath - Copy (12)

    Bulgaria (BG)

    NoPath - Copy (13)

    USA (US)

    NoPath - Copy (14)

    Australia (AU)

    NoPath - Copy (15)

    Sweden (SW)

    NoPath - Copy (16)

    Greece (GR)

    NoPath - Copy (17)

    United Kingdom (UK)

    NoPath - Copy (18)

    Spain (ES)

    NoPath - Copy (28)

    Hong Kong (HK)

    NoPath - Copy (20)

    China (CN)

    NoPath - Copy (21)

    Arab Emirates (AE)

    NoPath - Copy (22)

    Qatar (QA)

    NoPath - Copy (23)

    Philippines (PH)

    NoPath - Copy (25)

    Jamaica (JK)

    NoPath - Copy (12)-1

    French Guanaja (GF)

    NoPath - Copy (26)

    Malta (ML)

    NoPath - Copy (27)

    Trinidad and Tobago (TT)


    Praesent varius augue urna, ut scelerisque augue lobortis eget. Fusce eros diam, finibus eget quamPraesent varius augue urna, ut scelerisque augue lobortis eget. Fusce eros diam.

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